Access Keys:

Tynagh National School, Loughrea, Co. Galway

Sponsored Walk and Raffle

27th Jun 2024

On Thursday 20th June we held our Sponsored Walk. Thank you to all who supported our raffle. Thank you to the parents who turned up to support the children and join us on our walk. We raised €818 from our raffle. This money will be used to offset the cost of various activities in the school next year. We had 6 prizes. Our lucky winners were:
1. €50 Top Oil voucher: David Headd
2. €20 One for All voucher: WJ Cunningham
3. €20 One for All voucher: Padraig McHugh
4. €20 One for All voucher: The Broderick Family
5. €20 One for All voucher: Laoise Coen
6. €20 One for All voucher: John Caulfield
Thanks again to all who supported the raffle!